The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2
I don’t even know what to say. And it’s not because I was shocked by the twist ending because I was surprised at how it manifest itself but I was also expecting something.
I don’t even know what to say. And it’s not because I was shocked by the twist ending because I was surprised at how it manifest itself but I was also expecting something.
Alright, fine. It’s another Twilight Event Horizon. Though, since the last film opens this week, you can be sure this is the last time I’ll be featuring it. And, yes, it’s odd that I talk about it so much when I’m not even really a fan. I just have a strange affection for all the craziness.
It’s been a while since I posted an Event Horizon. Truth be told, after Comic Con and with most of the exciting summer releases out I wasn’t enthralled by much of the news and wasn’t coming across pictures that sparked my interest. And I’m never one to post just for the sake of posting.
I’m almost done with Twilight. No, that’s not true. There’s going to be another movie next year and it’ll start again, but for now I’m almost done.
I am definitely in the minority, and I realize that. Breaking Dawn is on track to make $140M this weekend (proving the power of women at the box office when they’re captivated). Many
A not entirely Twilight themed Event Horizon. But since Breaking Dawn is slated to make $148M this weekend (putting it between Spiderman 3 and New Moon as the 4th biggest opening
Immortals, of course, opens today. I’ve seen it but will hold my review until Monday when all the box office numbers are done.
In other movie news, the premiere for Breaking Dawn part 1 is on Monday and fangirl fervor
An Open Letter to Guys,
(especially the I’m-a-good-guy guys)
Please don’t watch Twilight. Because it’s not real.
And I’m not talking about werewolves and vampires. I’m talking about love.
I think, though still flawed, Eclipse is the best of the Twilight films thus far.
Before I even begin I should say that it’s my favorite book. I like how romantic it is and I like Jacob and Edward talking in the tent and the whole little kerfuffle
It’s amazing what a good director can do.
When I saw New Moon, I have to admit I was afraid to get my hopes up. Twilight was just so poorly done and the books are so badly written, but the characters are incredibly engaging