Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Immortals. But I did not like it at all, which is why I haven’t seen it again now that it’s opened.
Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Immortals. But I did not like it at all, which is why I haven’t seen it again now that it’s opened.
How many critics, do you think, used the title of this film to describe the film itself?
Going in, this movie had a lot stacked against it. I don’t like Catherine Hardwick. I don’t like Amanda Seyfried. I did not expect much.
As much as I like to see science fiction movies outside the expected tropes of the genre I wouldn’t recommend this one.
There was an interesting mystery that initially drew me in. I wanted to
This has already been out for a week and the reviews have been horrible, so you don’t really need to hear from me. But, in case you’re curious, here’s a reason why…
Fundamentally, I think the biggest flaw in this film is that M. Night Shyamalan stayed too
I had high hopes for Transformers 2, I’ll admit. The trailer promised sharp, breath taking action, a little humor, robot fights, guy and girl running hand in hand, a bit of a deeper mythology and the expectation of a happy ending.
I think it was probably too much to expect any sort of deeper mythology, but with a good writer it could have
Cinematically flawed, and in frustrating and easily avoidable ways that I unequivocally blame Catherine Hardwicke for, and a little bit Summit for hiring her.
I think the biggest problem is they made a movie for the fans. And you can’t do that
Really there’s very little I can say about this movie, because there’s very little movie to say anything about. The characters are one dimensional. There is virtually no story (and I’m saying that about one of the Mummy movies. Wrap your head around that.) There’s a lot of action.
slowest, most boring movie EVER. I was so disappointed. seriously, I fell asleep during it. Granted, it was only for about two minutes but still; it’s a movie you can fall asleep in.
This wasn’t quite as sweet and cute and charming as I’d hoped. Not sure why. I think some things that were intended to be funny or cute just sort of fell flat.