Cars 2
Cars 2 is another of those animated movies that’s so hard to score. I mean, it’s cute and sweet for kids.
I didn’t hate it. But I can’t really score the directing or production very well because they were good enough.
Cars 2 is another of those animated movies that’s so hard to score. I mean, it’s cute and sweet for kids.
I didn’t hate it. But I can’t really score the directing or production very well because they were good enough.
This is more what super hero movies have the potential to be. Because action and special effects are easy, decent story is a bonus, any sort of character depth is astounding and applaudable. But this adds thematic depth to the mix which is new and sort of brilliant.
In some ways, this was a great movie and in some ways it was uneven (though not nearly as uneven as X2). But the easy stuff first:
I wasn’t thrilled with Kevin Bacon as the villain. In theory I thought it was great, but in
Impressive, partly because my expectations were so low. I mean, I read the book and it was awful and the first thing I said was that it should have skipped being a book and been a screenplay
Johnny Depp is delightful as ever, but this movie really lacks a certain life and vitality that the earlier films had. There was just some spark that was missing and I think it was a lack of
I wasn’t a huge fan of the Fast and Furious or 2 Fast 2 Furious. I didn’t even bother to see the two after that. The first was actually pretty decent, but car chases aren’t as much fun for me as hand to hand combat scenes. The best I can say about this one, is that it is at least as good as the first one. And maybe a little bit more
Thor is pretty and big and fun which is good for a summer movie.
There’s some attempt at depth and you’ve definitely got great actors who are capable of it. But it doesn’t really resonate powerfully.
I’d read the book, and I don’t particularly like Robert Pattinson, and I both loved and hated the elephant. So my curiosity of this movie had me kind of excited to see it.
I’ve never been a huge Jake Gyllenhaal fan, but I like him a lot more after seeing Source Code.
The basics were all there for a sci fi/action movie: decent effects, unique concept, dashing leading man. And most of it worked.
This movie has a colossal fatal flaw that I can’t discuss without spoiling everything.