Star Trek
I saw Star Trek this weekend. Loved it. I actually haven’t liked a movie that much in a long time. I just walked out of it feeling happy and whole and refreshed. Probably didn’t hurt that I
I saw Star Trek this weekend. Loved it. I actually haven’t liked a movie that much in a long time. I just walked out of it feeling happy and whole and refreshed. Probably didn’t hurt that I
I admit I went into Wolverine without a lot of expectations. Despite Hugh Jackman’s interviews about how they chose the director because Gavin Hood would handle the characterization well. I haven’t seen any of Hood’s other work so I don’t know if is inability to actually live up to all the talk because he really doesn’t handle
This would have been a better movie if it wasn’t so utterly predictable.
The story itself is interesting, I can’t deny that. It’s fairly unique also. Except that as soon as the movie started I could see exactly where it was going. I might have half guessed it from the trailer.
Surprisingly, no, I’d never seen Casablanca before last week. I generally don’t like old movies so I pretty much don’t ever make the time to watch them. The production values are lower, the stories or characters can seem cheesy to a sophisticated audience (yes, that would be me). Plus, I don’t ascribe to the belief that just because a movie is a classic it’s therefore good. Someone once said that the golden age in Hollywood wasn’t really golden, it’s just when we learned to industrialize movie making. I agree, so, I don’t expect that all classic movies will stand the […]
Sweet and heartwarming, this coming of age story is well told with wisdom and strength.
I loved the language of the film, the words and sentences. I don’t know how much of that came
Push actually envisions how psychic powers would play out in the real world rather than the heightened reality we’re accustomed to with these sorts of stories. Gritty and realistic, it
Avatar is visually stunning. You just can’t escape it. I saw it in IMAX 3D. Now, I can’t compare it to regular 3D but what I saw was revolutionary.
The depth of field was incredible. It wasn’t just what I imagine 3D would be, where
This was an interesting movie. The whole time I was thinking: the characters are interesting, but it has no narrative thread. I don’t know where it’s going which keeps me from becoming immersed in it. The directing is a little avant garde, which works but at the same time sometimes takes me out of the film that I’m not that immersed
Cinematically flawed, and in frustrating and easily avoidable ways that I unequivocally blame Catherine Hardwicke for, and a little bit Summit for hiring her.
I think the biggest problem is they made a movie for the fans. And you can’t do that
I know nothing about Bond. But for the uninitiated this was pleasant. Which, I know, is an odd adjective to apply to Bond but it works for me.
You have to understand, though, however much the action is fast or exciting and there’s chases of several different varieties and pretty girls, whatever – I don’t like James Bond.