The A-Team
I have to admit the A-Team is better than I’d given it credit for. Of course it was big and loud and a little funny. Surprisingly, it was also solid with story and characters when I’d expected
I have to admit the A-Team is better than I’d given it credit for. Of course it was big and loud and a little funny. Surprisingly, it was also solid with story and characters when I’d expected
“If I’m honest, I was her,” says Watson. “I was very keen. I was super-eager to please and be good. And I was always kind of bossy.” At age nine, Emma was so bright and winning that she was chosen from tens of thousands of girls to play Hermione. Ten years later, Watson was in 2009 the highest-paid actress in Hollywood and has found herself in a place even stranger than anything Rowling could have dreamed up: Brown University. “It was just awful,” she recalls thinking at first, during freshman week. “I was like, I must be mad. Why am […]
Prince of Persia is a nice way to start the big, loud, hot summer movie season. It’s a fun movie, light on substance but full of cool parkour action, big special effects a few laughs and
It’s summer movie season again!
The problem with a Robin Hood movie is that it inevitably draws comparisons to the story we know and the Kevin Costner version we all grew up with.
I was watching Castle a couple of weeks ago, when Michael Trucco came on the scene and had a great fight with Beckett. That same week Chuck and Sarah got into a fight (not with each other) and Chuck said he couldn’t hit
The rare beauty and stunning self-possession that propelled Grace Kelly into the Hollywood pantheon and ultimately to Monaco’s royal palace were more than captivating—they were completely genuine. As London’s Victoria and Albert Museum unveils an exhibition devoted to Kelly’s style, which still inspires fashion from Hermès to Tommy Hilfiger, the author looks at the intertwined qualities of an icon: white-gloved ingénue, elegant goddess, passionate romantic. It may be the softest kiss in film history. The sun is setting over rooftops. A man, his leg in a cast, sleeps near an open window, undisturbed by a neighbor singing scales. Just after […]
damn that was cool! I admit I went in with low expectations. Comic book movie, probably some graphic violence, very little story and hollow characters, right?! But The Losers is smart and
COFFEEIt’s the unseasonably cold November of 2008 when I go to New York’s Bowery Hotel. There’s a young man sitting in the garden, wrapped in about nine black sweaters and wearing a wool hat, sipping a latte the size of his head, and furiously making notes on a script in the bitter cold. I have read about teenage girls lighting themselves on fire in front of his hotel, but at the moment Robert Pattinson is warming his hands on a coffee cup. Hello, I’m Jenny. I think I’m here so you can check me out.“Okay. I’m Rob. Um . . […]
Aside from The Runaways, Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart have appeared in three other projects together — two Twilight installments and the Kate Hudson-directed short Cutlass — but it’s only in the band biopic that the two finally get to show off the rapport they’ve always had in real life. Each is well-cast in The Runaways, and when Movieline spoke to Fanning and Stewart yesterday in Los Angeles, they recalled their characters both literally and subconsciously: The 16-year-old Fanning is as California wholesome as Cherie Currie with the same cool, intellectual drive, while the 19-year-old Stewart is all inchoate passion […]
I loved greek mythology in jr. high. So, in some ways it was fun to revisit that through this movie. I was surprised at how much mythology they incorporated and much of it they got right.