Tron Legacy
Mostly Tron: Legacy was awesome. Not great, but kind of awesome.
Let me say first that I never saw the first Tron. It was just never on my radar as a kid and then I had no reason to watch it once I grew up and never
Mostly Tron: Legacy was awesome. Not great, but kind of awesome.
Let me say first that I never saw the first Tron. It was just never on my radar as a kid and then I had no reason to watch it once I grew up and never
Is Sons of Anarchy the new Dukes of Hazard?
It had never occurred to me before, until I was reading Stephen King’s Best TV of 2010 list (so different from my list) and he
The Tourist is a nearly flawless film. Which is not to say it’s the best move I’ve ever seen, or great or wonderful or epic. It simply means there wasn’t anything wrong with it, nothing that
Buddy TV posted their annual TV’s 100 Sexiest Men list. which means I now have an annual This Is Who I Like On Their List post. I would have put them in considerably
Dawn Treader is heavy handed, simplistic and weakly written, beautiful but not really interesting. But before I begin my review, I feel like I need to set the context.
DETAILS: You’ve said that when you were young you’d break into people’s houses and just sit in their living rooms. Why did you do that?Jared Leto: My brother and I didn’t have many rules for ourselves and really didn’t acknowledge that there were any rules in the world. We would often break into schools. I assumed everyone did. I mean, we broke out of schools a lot as well. We were the kids that other kids weren’t allowed to play with. There wasn’t any deep ill intent, but we were compelled to do certain things. I think it was about […]
Skinny farm kid Garrett Hedlund transformed himself into Tron‘s hero. All it took was hard work and the threat of a skintight suit. Other kids practiced to make the track team. Garrett Hedlund didn’t have time for that, so he chased cows instead. His family’s 400-acre cattle farm in northern Minnesota was at the end of the bus route, 2 hours from school. When he arrived home, he spent his time plowing fields and mending fences. But Hedlund wanted to be the fastest kid in his grade school, so chasing wayward bovines during weekend cattle runs became his practice. “Everybody […]
I saw Morning Glory this evening and was made aware that I’m a little shallow (this isn’t entirely news but it’s good to be reminded once in a while).
I feel like I almost have to say that since this is Harry Potter – it’s not bad, no matter what criticisms I have. They’re always well produced, they’re working from good source material, the
When a rage for authenticity meets a workingman’s attitude, you get this guy. An actor of great dimension — just don’t call him that. And he’ll probably win some big award for his role in The Fighter, but don’t dare tell him that. A funny and sometimes testy encounter with Mr. Bale. Christian Bale comes to the bar looking much more scruffy and handsome — charming, rakish, ne’er-do-well, with a piratical mustache and goatee — than he ever lets himself look in movies. His English accent hits a sweet spot on the higher edge of working class, with a hint […]