Argo is one of those hard movies to analyze because a lot of things were really well done without having a significant impact, at least on me.
Argo is one of those hard movies to analyze because a lot of things were really well done without having a significant impact, at least on me.
There are so many things I want to say about Looper I don’t even know where to start.
The thing about good movies is that you can analyze them inside and out. You can draw out narrative parallels that maybe were or were not actually intended. You can talk in circles about
Maybe I don’t watch enough dramas, but Trouble with the Curve feels a little like a more traditional sports movie, like from the 80s and 90s. The kind that don’t exist anymore. Maybe it’s because it has all the elements of an old school sports movie
I’ve never watched a movie as piecemeal as The Lucky One. There isn’t really an entire scene in the whole movie. It’s 2 lines of dialog and moving on. A nice shot of someone running or walking, moving on. Three lines of dialog… I’m not even exaggerating. I think there were maybe five scenes or less where there were more then 3 lines of in the entire movie. Which is a death knell for a romantic, character movie like this. Because we never really experience the characters. We see them for an hour and a half. We get glimpses through […]
Well, now we’ve gone and done it. Not content to have a list of the hot guys on tv every year, Kel and I have decided an annual movie list is in order.
The Bourne Legacy is a decent reboot. They worked hard to incorporate elements from earlier films and while somethings worked considerably better, others didn’t.
I’m an emotional person. I admit it. And, I think, the older I get the more I accept that about myself and recognize that in books and in tv shows and in movies, I need to feel something in order to really connect to a story.
The Dark Knight Rises is a Christopher Nolan movie and so it’s very well made, structurally sharp, intelligent and takes the time to actually say something interesting. But there’s very little emotion in it.
aka the longest blog ever. But with pictures to keep you entertained as we go.
After talking with Kel about an unpopular aggravation I realized there’s actually quite a few tv actresses that I like considerably better than most of the girls getting cast in action films.