Well, now we’ve gone and done it. Not content to have a list of the hot guys on tv every year, Kel and I have decided an annual movie list is in order.
And what better time of year to enjoy the movie boys than at the close of the Summer Movie Season. Because most of the really good movies have come and gone this year and because Dec/Jan is already crowded with lists.
Eligible men were in a movie released between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31. A few of our favorites, sadly, aren’t here because they didn’t have a movie this year.
You’ll notice rather quickly that this list looks different than the tv lists – because it’s not just mine. Kel and I worked together to pull 90 men out of 445 movies and narrow it down to the top 50. Of course there was compromise on both ends, so this list isn’t entirely what she would have made it on her own either. To help differentiate our points of view, comments from me are in blue and Kel’s are purple.
(for the record her classic tastes created the black and white motif
also, we didn’t rank these men based on these pictures of them. If you see someone new, don’t judged solely on any of the images below. Some of these guys are just downright not photogenic, but their presence in movies/real life is hot.)
Between the two of us there is plenty of variety for you to enjoy. But no Channing Tatum; feel free to lament his absence in the comments.

50. Robert Pattinson
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2, Cosmopolis
He’s on the list. Possibly, partially under duress.
that would be me, under extreme duress. I didn’t even put him on the initial list of 90. Have fun with the comments! 🙂

49. Armie Hammer
Mirror Mirror
“If you had to draw a prince,” says Tarsem Singh, “you’d draw this guy. But I’m not talking about a Disney prince. With Armie, you know there are undertones.”

48. Frank Grillo
End of Watch, The Grey, Zero Dark Thirty
yes, he’s on the older end, but we don’t discriminate. plus, if you saw warrior last year, he was extremely likable on top of being a hot trainer.

47. Josh Hutcherson
The Hunger Games, Red Dawn, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, Detention
I know, he seems young. It’s weird. But he’s also wildly popular, we think. You can’t leave Peeta off the list.
p.s. boo Hunger Games
no age discrimination in the opposite direction either. and you can’t leave peeta off, though i would argue he’s hotter with his natural brown hair…by a lot.

46. Gerard Butler
Coriolanus, Chasing Mavericks, Playing for Keeps

45. Idris Elba
Prometheus, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
was the best part of prometheus. and you weren’t even supposed to care about him that much.

44. Eric Bana
Deadfall (Limited)

43. Andrew Garfield
The Amazing Spider-Man

42. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
I kind of broke the rules to get Nikolaj on the list, knowing Kel wouldn’t mind that much. But it was either him or Alex Pettyfer and neither of us can stand Alex.

41. Wes Bentley
The Hunger Games, Gone
you can’t see them in this picture, but have you seen this boy’s EYES?!??

40. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
The Dark Knight Rises, Looper, Lincoln, Premium Rush
Not entirely hot. But talented and he had a big year.
even if not entirely hot, he’s adorable. the adorable kind of hot, and has genuinely hot moments every once in a while.

39. Taylor Lautner
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 2

38. Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Red Dawn, The Possession

37. James Wolk
For a Good Time Call (Limited)
totally boy-next-door adorable.

36. Jake Gyllenhaal
End of Watch
I’m not always convinced he’s hot, but this is a good picture so obviously he has his moments. Plus, I have a friend and Jake is one of her favorites (along with Jared Leto) so I appreciate him by association.

35. Freddy Rodriguez
Soldiers of Fortune
warm, gorgeous brown eyes

34. Johnny Depp
Dark Shadows
We totally almost forgot Johnny Depp. shhhh, don’t tell.

33. Daniel Craig

32. Kit Harrington
Silent Hill Revolution 3D
Kel’s compromise since I wouldn’t let her put every guy from Game of Thrones who was in a movie this year on the list.
SERIOUSLY! the GOT boys…though i’m biased…you gotta admit kit is handsome. come on.

31. Joel Edgarton
The Odd Life of Timothy Green, Zero Dark Thirty
also not a traditionally hot type, but he has his moments, and has played a few warm-hearted characters really well. he’s a charmer

30. Dominic Cooper
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

29. Leonardo DiCaprio
Django Unchained, Titanic 3D
Like I was going to leave off Leo the year Titanic was back on the big screen making teenage girl’s hearts explode all over again.

28. Karl Urban

27. Randy Wayne

26. Colin Farrell
Total Recall, Seven Psychopaths (Limited)

25. Chace Crawford
What to Expect When You’re Expecting

24. Michael Ealy
Underworld Awakening, Think Like a Man, Unconditional (Limited)
another boy with gorgeous blue/green eyes

23. Eduardo Verastegui
For Greater Glory

22. Sam Worthington
Wrath of the Titans, Man on a Ledge

21. Garrett Hedlund
On the Road
Not the most photogenic guy (I had to find his pictures) but interesting and attractive on screen.

20. Orlando Bloom
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Good Doctor (Limited)

19. Tom Hardy
The Dark Knight Rises, This Means War, Lawless
i ADORE tom, he’s one of my favorites of all time. and did anyone see This Means War? while the movie itself was terrible, he was extremely sexy, and is very talented overall. he would have been #3 if this had been my list. but alas…compromise.
His placement out of the top 15 is my doing. I just don’t get it. I know you think that about some of my favorites too, so it’s cool.

18. Ryan Reynolds
Safe House

17. Robert Downey Jr.
The Avengers

16. Tom Hiddleston
The Avengers, The Deep Blue Sea

15. Liam Hemsworth
The Hunger Games, The Expendables 2

14. Ben Barnes
The Big Wedding, The Words (Limited)

13. Taylor Kitsch
John Carter, Battleship, Savages
His blockbusters may have been lackluster this year, but that does not undermine how hot he is in any way.

12. Zac Efron
The Lucky One, Liberal Arts (Limited), The Paperboy (Limited)

11. Brad Pitt
Killing Them Softly (Limited)

10. Bradley Cooper
Hit and Run, The Words (Limited), The Silver Linings Playbook

9. Chris Evans
The Avengers
this guy might be the most photogenic of all of them. i swear the guy doesn’t take a bad picture

8. Charlie Hunnam
3, 2, 1… Frankie Go Boom, Deadfall (Limited)
the long hair and the beard totally hide his good looks. i saw him with shorter hair and only scruff and didn’t even recognize him. quite handsome

7. Matt Bomer
Magic Mike

6. Henry Cavill
The Cold Light of Day

5. Jeremy Renner
The Avengers, The Bourne Legacy

4. Luke Evans
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The Raven

3. Hugh Jackman
Les Miserables, Butter
this man can do no wrong. he charms everything he is in…movie, theatre, academy awards host…

2. Chris Pine
This Means War, People Like Us
if this were my list, THIS chris would have been #1 by far. but again, good ol’ fashioned compromise. and hemsworth has been in more movies this year, is extremely handsome and AJ isn’t as partial to pine as i am.
I’m not, though he’s attractive in his way. And you can’t deny that this was Hemsworth’s year at the box office.
1. Chris Hemsworth
The Avengers, Snow White and the Huntsman, The Cabin in the Woods, Red Dawn

i voted, you can guess who 😉
p.s. sorry that the poll only allowed you one vote! It was supposed to let you have as many as you want but I forgot to set that. If you want to add more votes – open it again from a different browser/computer or email me and I’ll put them in manually.
I’m speechless… I don’t think I could disagree more with 70% of these and 100% with the other.
so you won’t be voting in the poll then?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn’t classically Handsome by some standards but he wins the award for most improved. Like many of us he was awkward in High School and nothing special in his 20’s and now that he’s in his 30’s he has shown us a great depth in his roles and I can’t wait to see what else he does.
Ugly ducklings turn out to be hot. So be nice to geeks
I knew you would comment on Joseph-Gordon Levitt, though I am a little surprised at the substance of your comment. I have to agree though, he does get the award for most improved. The depth he brings to his roles definitely has its appeals 🙂
p.s. sorry that the poll only allowed you one vote! It was supposed to let you have as many as you want but I forgot to set that. If you want to add more votes – open it again from a different browser/computer or email me and I’ll put them in manually.
@ Kel, what GOT boys? I think they are all weird looking. Even Rob. (Although that pic of Kit is adorbs.) Seriously I must know. GOT is awesome but would definitely benefit by a latch.
@AJ I thought you adored Tom Hardy? I only even know his name because of you. Also, very disappointed to see Jeremey Renner and Luke Evans above Matt Bomer, Taylor Kitsch, and (above all) Heny Cavill?? Those rankings are bollocks.
a) you totally get bonus points for using a blog term in your comments!! It makes me so happy 🙂
b) The only reason you’ve heard me mention Tom Hardy is because he’s one of Kel’s favorites. The rankings are a balance between who she thinks is the very hottest and who I think is the very hottest (we generally agree more on the mid-level guys). Believe me, both of us would have some people in radically different places if we were making the list alone.
p.s. sorry that the poll only allowed you one vote! It was supposed to let you have as many as you want but I forgot to set that. If you want to add more votes – open it again from a different browser or email me and I’ll put them in manually.
Also curious as to which faves didn’t make a movie this year. The board seems pretty rounded out…
Josh Duhamel is one we said out loud. Though Ryan Gosling just came to mind. And I just feel like there’s a handful of others, which will just make next years list fun 🙂