Event Horizon| Teen Angst and Awards Shows

I know, since this is only the second Event Horizon of the year you have to be wondering if it’s suddenly become a monthly feature rather than a weekly feature. Well, life has been busy. And the news hasn’t been that interesting. And I’m not one to post just for the sake of posting so…

You’ll probably argue that the news has been terribly interesting. The Golden Globes happened and Chuck ended and really we’re in the middle of the awards season (not that anyone outside of Hollywood cares all that much about the SAG awards and the PGA awards and the DGA awards and all those unions recognizing their members outstanding achievements. Of course the actors televise theirs). But award shows are really only interesting when you care about the people or projects that are nominated. And this year I don’t particularly.

Advice of the week:

Hugh Jackman behind the scenes at the Oscars

(Not that this is new advice)
The Emmy and the Oscars are always trying to reformat themselves to attract more viewers – try nominating things that more people watch and you won’t have worry about the format so much.

Picture of the Week:

Chris Pine Tom Hardy Reese Witherspoon at the THIS MEANS WAR Premiere
Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, Reese Witherspoon at the THIS MEANS WAR Premiere

This Means War opens this weekend and while the question of whether or not McG can actually direct a good movie is up for debate, this movie is full of fun and good looking people so it’s worth a picture at least. One can only wish that it was also a smart, witty, sharp and fast action film, but McG doesn’t do that. How do I know? Because a film can never be smarter than it’s director.

Article of the week:

Yes, it’s old. But you did notice that this is the first post since January, right. You should expect a variety of content. I like this one because Kate Beckinsale as Selene is one of the few really strong female heroines that doesn’t feel like a cliche or a guy’s version of what a heroine would be.

“I love this character,” Beckinsale said. “I really am proud of the fact that I’ve gotten to play this kind of rather iconic empowered, empowering woman. I don’t want to only play one character for the rest of my life, sure, but as long as I feel like I can keep mixing it up, that’s what I’ve wanted to do since the beginning is just keep doing different things. As long as I can do that, I’d be happy to.”
full article here

Interview of the week 1:

Only because it both discusses John Carter (formerly “of Mars”) which I’m curious now to see whether the marketing has destroyed a great movie or if the movie was lacking to begin with. And it questions the appeal of a “too good” hero.

“To be honest, I never actually invested in Carter 100%,” Stanton said. “He was always a kind of Prince Valiant, did-it-right-from-the-get-go kind of bland, vanilla guy. I think it was his situation that was more fascinating to me. It was a stranger in a strange land, guy thrown out to circumstances.
full article here

Interview of the week 2:

Because when I only publish an Event Horizon once every month or so, there’s more than one interesting thing to post. Yes, that’s me criticizing myself. But this is Kevin Williamson discussing love triangles. Teen angst doesn’t get any better than what he deals out (unless it’s My So-Called Life).

Trailer of the week:

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter! This looks very cool and very edgy.


February 17, 2012 | Event Horizon , , , | this post contains affiliate links

2 responses to “Event Horizon| Teen Angst and Awards Shows

  1. kel

    LOVE the abraham lincoln: vampire trailer. epic and cool and unique. but one of those trailers that gets you really excited. hopefully the movie is as good as the trailer (which speaks to a good start to a marketing campaign which is not to be underestimated or under-recognized)…but i have faith it will be as good as the trailer. time will tell (as it, fortunately, always does with movies).

    agreed on this means war. movie can only be as good as its director. this means war wasn’t great or smart or clever…certainly not as much as it could have been. especially when you have two men who are great actors and who could play great, clever, intriguing characters. nonetheless, it was fun, and i was thoroughly entertained having either tom or chris on the screen almost the entire time.

    ditto on the oscars, and interested to see john carter and see if the lack of excitement is due to the bad marketing or it being a bad movie.

    this event horizon was well worth the wait. just saying.

    • aj

      It’s been a while since we’ve seen a good start to a marketing campaign – at least good enough to comment on it. So, I’m excited.

      Though, sometimes fun and pretty is enough in a movie. Still disappointing when you see how it could have been so much better (especially with the caliber of actors involved). But also fun and pretty 😉

      I’m glad to hear it was worth the wait!