Tag: Wentworth Miller

Wentworth Miller Unlocked

Posted April 1, 2006

Far from his white-knuckled predicament inside the walls of Fox River State Penitentiary, Prison Break‘s hero Wentworth Miller, 33, kicks back in a Greenwich Village photo studio. When asked about your race, what do you tell people?I say I’m of mixed race, and if they ask for specifics, I rattle off the details: My mother is Russian, French, Syrian, Lebanese and Dutch; my father is African-American, Jamaican, English, German and part Cherokee. How difficult was it dealing with racism growing up and now trying to find roles in Hollywood?I’ll find myself standing in the company of someone who will make […]

The times of their lives starring Wentworth Miller

Posted February 1, 2005

RW: Your first major film, The Human Stain, dealt with race and identity, so I know it’s something you’ve spoken about at length. Is it a subject you’re sick of talking about?WM: I was when the movie came out. Part of me thought, I don’t want to be forever linked with this issue as an actor. But at the same time I thought the movie spoke to such important and often unaddressed issues that it was necessary to talk about it. I’m very proud of The Human Stain, but it was not a critical or commercial success; I think part […]