Can geekdom be conditioned?
I’m sure that it can be, just as most anything can be conditioned into a human being given the time, intention and opportunity. But some people are just wired certain ways. I didn’t have an
I’m sure that it can be, just as most anything can be conditioned into a human being given the time, intention and opportunity. But some people are just wired certain ways. I didn’t have an
An Open Letter to Guys,
(especially the I’m-a-good-guy guys)
Please don’t watch Twilight. Because it’s not real.
And I’m not talking about werewolves and vampires. I’m talking about love.
Vanity Fair had an article this week about why you should go see Scott Pilgrim. I agree with it, even if they weren’t quite blunt enough for my taste. So, here’s
I was watching Castle a couple of weeks ago, when Michael Trucco came on the scene and had a great fight with Beckett. That same week Chuck and Sarah got into a fight (not with each other) and Chuck said he couldn’t hit
I read this article in the Hollywood Reporter about the new Avatar trailer. It was just enough to push me into writing a blog I’ve thought about for some time (yes, I know it’s 3
I was thinking about this while driving into work this morning. But, to be fair, I’ve thought along this line often enough before just not thoroughly enough to warrant writing it down.
I know that obviously there are a great number of things we can learn from Captain Picard. Even a thing or two we might learn from Riker 😉 But “Tapestry” was on this past week and it struck
I can’t tell you when it first occurred to me. I think maybe someone pointed it out. But growing up I recognized that women in action films weren’t really genuine.
Now, having grown up and learned a thing or two, I can explain why. To the best of my