Which movie has made you cry?
I’m not much of a crier at films, but there was one… I was coming back from Cabo on my way to Montreal, and I got hit with Montezuma’s revenge. I could not keep anything down. I was stuck in a hotel room with no windows and was just doing what you do when you’re sick. On day two of this extremely painful episode, I watched a film called Life as a House. Kevin Kline is an architect and learns he has terminal cancer. He’s estranged from his teenage son and decides they’re going to finish this house. I don’t know if it would still hit me the same way, but on my 27th hour of pure wretchedness, this movie just crushed me. I should watch it again to see if it has the same effect.

Have your parents seen you die in a movie?
They would have had to. I die really well, by the way. It’s one of my strong points. I just take a bullet well.
Do you have trouble watching yourself die?
No. I’m just checking the boxes. Hit that. Missed that. Hit that moment. Missed that one. I’d like to do that one again.
Do you really have characters that you’d like to do over?
um…the first 12 years of my career, I would think.

What was the first role you auditioned for?
My agent sent me out for two films: One of them was The Accused with Jodie Foster. I was so excited.
Did you go out for the part of the [villain]?
Probably not. With this face, I was probably up for the guy with the conscience. I called up afterward and asked, “How did I do?”
There were three seconds of silence and then: “Have you ever thought about acting classes?”