American Beauty

Angelina Jolie used to play the hard girl. This fall, she goes vulnerable and ladylike – and twice as tough.

Angelina Jolie does not like to be touched. “I like to be felt or invaded or confronted,” she says, “but I don’t like to be touched.”

Angelina Jolie Talk September 1999

Jolie is adamant on this point, and as she speaks her blue-green eyes blaze with intensity. It’s very simple, she says: “I don’t like to talk about nothing, and I don’t like to just kind of be touched.”

She smiles, though, widely, and has a firm handshake. Occasionally she hugs – with intent and sometimes with affection. And she laughs very merrily. For all the tattoos that festoon her body, Angelina Jolie is really very sweet.

“It’s not a complete feeling of anything or a complete expression of anything, ” she says of those who would stroke her arm in conversation or air-kiss her cheek in greeting. “If they’re just being comforting, kind of because they think they should, and they don’t know what else to do, I can feel that and it bothers me.”

“It’s okay to be a lady,” she says. “It doesn’t mean you’re not strong and independent, you know – to be needy, a little, or to be soft.”

This article has been edited for The complete story appeared in Talk magazine Sep.1999.

September 17, 1999 | Interview | this post contains affiliate links