Tag: X-Men

X-Men Days of Future Past

X-Men Days of Future Past

Posted June 16, 2014

I did not expect to love Days of Future Past the way I did. The concept was complicated and convoluted. There were stories from the set about the script changing or this or that going wrong. I didn’t love any of the earlier films in the franchise, even though X-Men was always my favorite cast of comic characters growing up. I actually feel like a lot of the franchise was really mishandled prior to this film. But that’s the cool thing about Days of Future Past – it’s this remarkable reset button. And it’s actually an X-Men movie done well. […]

the choices that make or break fandom

the choices that make or break fandom

Posted May 25, 2014

Bryan Singer had this article in SciFiNow discussing the comparisons between Avengers and X-Men. And it surprised me how wrong he is about so many things. First of all, Singer deserves a certain amount of credit for essentially creating the modern comic book film. That’s a post I’ve been meaning to write for ages and totally will. one day. soon. Anyway, he obviously has some understanding of the franchise he basically built and its relevance in the comic book world; some sense of how to treat the properties and take the material seriously. It’s dwarfed by Kevin Feige, but it’s […]

X-Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class

Posted June 8, 2011

In some ways, this was a great movie and in some ways it was uneven (though not nearly as uneven as X2). But the easy stuff first:

I wasn’t thrilled with Kevin Bacon as the villain. In theory I thought it was great, but in

X-Men Origins – Wolverine

X-Men Origins – Wolverine

Posted May 2, 2009

I admit I went into Wolverine without a lot of expectations. Despite Hugh Jackman’s interviews about how they chose the director because Gavin Hood would handle the characterization well. I haven’t seen any of Hood’s other work so I don’t know if is inability to actually live up to all the talk because he really doesn’t handle